When you’re involved in a car accident, you’ll need to deal with the insurance companies. Although the objective of the law restores victims of negligence to their pre-accident status, insurance companies do not always fulfill this objective. The problem is that even though drivers are required to carry a minimum amount of insurance, the insurance company is for profit. They are not truly looking out for what’s in your best interest — they are looking after their own.

In this blog post, a car accident lawyer will explore four tips for negotiating with the insurance company. You’ll learn:

  • Why you shouldn’t immediately settle with the insurance company
  • Why it’s vital to first talk with a personal injury attorney before making a recorded statement
  • Why you must understand that the insurance company is after what’s best for their profit margin
  • Why you should schedule a consultation with an attorney

Don’t Settle Too Quickly

It makes sense that you want to settle your claim as soon as possible so that you can get on with your life. However, it’s usually better that you don’t settle too quickly. You want to make sure that the settlement being offered to you is fair and will cover all of the expenses associated with your claim. If you settle too early in the process you may settle for less than you are entitled to because you may not know the extent of your injuries or damages as our friends at Herschensohn Law Firm, PLLC can share. 

Insurance adjusters may offer you a settlement right away, but you should talk with an attorney to discover if the insurance company offer is sufficient. Remember, the insurance company is often looking for the best possible ending for itself, not you.

Don’t Provide A Recorded Statement Without Talking To A Lawyer

The insurance company may ask you for a recorded statement. Keep in mind that even though the insurance company should be on your side, they could use some or all of what you say in your recorded statement against you. Before agreeing to a recorded statement, talk with a seasoned personal injury lawyer so that you understand what to say to the insurance company without putting your claim in danger.

Understand That The Insurance Company Is Profit Driven

Although insurance companies exist for a reason, it’s crucial to know and remember that insurance companies are ultimately looking at their bottom line. The insurance companies also have their own legal team to help them. Even if it’s a simple claim, the lawyers that are contracted to the insurance company aren’t ever looking out for your best interest. It would be beneficial to you to speak with an attorney who has the job of looking out for your best interest.

Schedule A Consultation With A Lawyer To Make Sure You’re Not Being Low-Balled

If you receive a settlement agreement, make sure that you have it reviewed by an experienced lawyer. This can help protect you against low-ball offers. A lawyer can help you maximize your compensation and deal with the insurance company on your behalf. 

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