Acupuncture for Wellness
Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago as one of the eight branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has achieved lasting popularity and is presently used as a system of health care in many parts of the world. It is a healing modality that builds and balances the body’s life force energy known as qi.
Acupuncture theory
According to TCM, the body’s natural energy, or “qi” (pronounced “chi”), flows along 14 pathways throughout the body, similar to how blood flows through the veins and arteries of the circulatory system. Acupuncturists recognize and use these specific pathways, called “meridians,” to apply their treatments.
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine operate on the idea that illness and poor health are the result of imbalance or blockages in the qi flowing through the meridians. These imbalances manifest as physical, emotional, and mental disorders.
Energy circulates in these meridians. The meridians are connected to and flow through specific organs or bodily systems, providing the energy needed to function correctly. When meridians are blocked or otherwise thrown off balance, symptoms, diseases, or illnesses may result.
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncturists place very thin, sterile, stainless steel needles into specific points along the meridians to relieve the blockage and trigger the body’s natural immune response. Needling is only one of the numerous energy balancing techniques employed during acupuncture treatments. Also included in traditional Chinese therapies are dietary and nutritional counseling, various Oriental massage techniques (including Tui Na), herbal and botanical remedies, and moxibustion, a technique that stimulates acupuncture points with heat.
Acupuncturists recognize that aches, pains, and other discomforts are often symptoms of deeper, underlying health issues. Therefore, they perform a comprehensive assessment to create a treatment protocol. This treatment takes into account many facets of a person’s body, mind, and spirit. This comprehensive, whole-person approach may achieve better results than merely categorizing symptoms into a narrow picture. Acupuncture can also help to balance and build the immune system functions, so diseases cannot take hold.
In a session, acupuncturists spend time with their patients explaining how acupuncture treatment may play a crucial role in helping them achieve a higher sense and quality of wellness. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture is useful in treating the following acute and chronic problems:
- Back, neck, and many other types of pain
- Sciatica
- Headaches and migraines
- Allergies
- Osteoarthritis
- Asthma
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and depression
- Irritability
- Bronchitis
- Bursitis
- Cardiovascular problems
- Hyper and hypotension
- Obesity
- Hearing loss
- Hemorrhoids
- Diabetes
- Hypoglycemia
- Psoriasis
- Sinusitis
- Hearing loss and ringing in the ears
- Dizziness and vertigo
Additionally, acupuncture may also be beneficial for:
- Adrenal fatigue
- Hormonal imbalances
- Infertility
- Primary insomnia
- Adrenal-fatigue
- Autoimmune disorders
- Stress management
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
Acupuncture is getting more and more notoriety and acclaim for its ability to manage pain. It provides pain relief with potentially harmful medications or invasive procedures. Indeed, acute and chronic pain sufferers should give acupuncture a try.